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   Charleigh's       Interview

For Kerri Ann's interview I was DP and it was harder than I remember, it's a lot of pressure making sure that the shot was right and the lighting was right. It was also harder to stay quiet when Kerri Ann was answering because her answers were just so damn funny and I am also so close with Kerri Ann that her answers we even more funny. Being DP is also fun because I feel like I am in control and I can really delegate and make sure the shot is the shot that I like. 

Interviewing and editing Charleigh's Interview was really fun and It was nice being able to re-learn how to use B-roll at the appropriate times and since it was my second time doing this, it was easier to interview Chareligh and it didn't sound as choppy because we just made everything flow together during the filming. Kerri Ann, Charleigh and I had a lot of fun editing these together and filming them and I think that showed while we working on these. I also learned that its a lot different interviewing people you are close with and people you don't really know that well. 

  Kerri Ann's     Interview 

 My Interview

I love being interviewed!!! This was my favorite part of this whole project. I loved answering all of the questions that Kerri Ann asked me and we really had a lot of fun messing around with our editing and really learning how to use b-roll effectively while not using too much, which we learned can take away from the interview. It was super fun working with such close friends of mine for this project because it really made everything flow much more easily and that made the whole editing process a lot easier. 

News Story Ideas!

Its always hard for me to come up with original ideas right off of the top of my head.... but I think I came up with a few!!!

-  Pollock Prosthetics Club 

-  The transition from Mountain Campus to Main Campus 

- Cold weather in Manchester and Parking lots at school 

I will have more for class on monday, but these are what I have for now!!!!!!!!

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